Lights, Camera, Action!

Turn Your Child's Acting Dreams into Reality

Lights, Camera, Action! Turn Your Child's Acting Dreams into Reality

FREE VIDEO: The Parents Blueprint to

Get Your Child on Television... And Start Booking Paid Acting Jobs With Ease!


Remember when your child would sit in front of the TV, eyes wide with wonder, as they watched their favorite show or characters?
The way they would mimic their favorite heroes, reciting lines and pretending to be characters from their favorite series? We believe that these moments hold the key to unlocking your child's potential. We transform their fantasies into tangible achievements through our comprehensive program on how to break into the industry and get them on those same shows!

And what about you?
In your heart, there exists an unspoken desire: to witness your child not just succeed, but truly thrive. It's the dream of seeing them step confidently into the world, making their mark, and embracing a future filled with promise. Parents envision their children with stars in their eyes, chasing dreams, and achieving goals that surpass even their own aspirations… a future where they have the opportunity to shine, to showcase their talent, and to make their mark on the world.

I understand. I’m a parent myself… who had the same hopes for my daughter Grace.
And today Grace has literally "graced" the screens of iconic shows such as The Steve Harvey Show, capturing the hearts of audiences with her natural talent and captivating performances. Grace's talent has shined brightly on the Oprah Winfrey Network's Queen Sugar, where she brought depth and authenticity to her character, earning accolades from viewers and industry insiders alike. And let's not forget the magical world of Disney Channel, where Grace's vibrant energy and exceptional acting skills lit up the screen, making her a beloved presence among young audiences


Experts at Backstage, a leading online resource for actors, have identified what your child needs to become a successful actor: My course teaches you everything you need to know about helping your child develop in these areas.

It takes more than just social media exposure and networking for stardom as an actor:
This is why this course is a true blueprint!

Social media exposure and Networking Is another important piece needed for stardom as an actor:

You can see why this course is a true blueprint

Don't stand in the way of your child's dreams:
Get the right knowledge !!

Get the Parent's Blueprint !!

More reasons why you shouldn’t hesitate

Don’t remain just an on-looker!


✅ You and your child get to be behind the scenes from the comfort of your own home.

✅ You will learn from a family who has proven results and is willing to share everything!

✅ Save time by skipping passed trial and errors that normally take years to get right.

✅ You are looking at a limited-time promotional price.

Meet Shawn Conrad

The man behind the curtain of this transformative course.

Shawn Conrad is a former world champion rapper of the early 1990s who has made music with Jay-Z and The Notorious B.I.G. After music, Shawn did post-production sound and voice-over work on projects for Tyler Perry, The Matrix, King of The Hill, and Cartoon Network. The rhythm of his early career laid the foundation for a life immersed in the art of achievement and mastery.

Shawn has not just worked with but directed Will Ferrell, Will Arnett, J.K. Simmons, and many more A-list actors during voice-over sessions. Shawn has appeared in Black Panther Wakanda Forever, Red Bull, and Nike commercials.

Behind the accolades, Shawn is a dedicated father of three daughters. His personal journey, working alongside his daughter Grace, fuels the authenticity of this course. It's not just about industry expertise; it's about the passion of a father who understands the dreams and aspirations of parents just like you.

Don't miss this opportunity to launch your child's acting dreams at a young age


Unlock your child's potential and pave their way to success. My expertise isn't just in theory, it's on the screen, in the credits, and in the smiles of children and parents who TOOK ACTION, including my own daughter GRACE. Don't miss out on this opportunity to give your child their best chance at success!

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Income Claims Disclosure: This is not a get-rich-quick program, nor do we believe in overnight success. We believe in hard work, integrity, and developing your skills if you want to earn more financially. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with any of our products or services or the products and services we recommend. The average person who buys any "how-to" information gets little to no results. Any references or examples used within this page or by someone on this page or video are real and documented but are used strictly for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that,

please do not purchase any products from this page.